- MPG123 Free!
Open a text console and enter;
- RealPlayer 8 Basic Free!
Clip and paste the above URL into the Location gadget.
- Xmms Free!
Click into the main Xmms window and press CTRL+L (or choose the Load Location menu item).
Clip and paste the above URL into the requester and click OK.
Or open a text console and enter;
- iTunes Free!
Click into iTunes and press Apple+U (or choose the Advanced Menu and click Open Stream).
Clip and paste the above URL into the requester and click OK.
- RealOne
(Click the "Free RealOne Player" link in the upper right.)
Clip and paste the above URL into the Location gadget.
- Media Player (comes with Windows)
Click into Media Player and press CTRL+U (or choose the Load URL menu item).
Clip and paste the above URL into the requester and click OK.
- RealOne
(Click the "Free RealOne Player" link in the upper right.)
Clip and paste the above URL into the Location gadget.
- Winamp Free!
Click into the main Winamp window and press CTRL+L (or choose the Load Location menu item).
Clip and paste the above URL into the requester and click OK.